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You could buy something nice here:
1:18 Mercedes Benz 190E 2.5-16V - ALMANDINE RED COLOR -
The MB rims are not STEERING but ROTATING, making them a nice stand-alone model for YOUR display case.
The plastic exhaust system was replaced with an aluminum stainless steel look and really enhances the model.
There was also a discolored clear front light upgrade and a darkened rear view.
The original Recaro interior is detailed and modeled on a sporty design with an adapted cage.
The 1:18 model is "immediately available" and will be sent to you well packaged in the original manufacturer model OVP, the manufacturer has nothing to do with the conversion in selected small series. The figure is not included in the purchase.
If you are looking for or want something else? Ask me. I will be happy to answer any request.