Welcome to MB-TuningCars Your contact for model refinement & tuning
You could buy something nice here:
1:18 Ferrari F40 LBWK Liberty-Walk #56 / Limited to: 2600 pieces worldwide, number 698 here
3-part ALLOY WHEELS [inlay originally painted black] with TUNING PROFILE TIRES [including aluminum sports brake discs] were installed.
The real aluminum rims are adapted to the body and can be rotated but not steered, making them a nice static model.
The 1:18 model is "Immediately available" and will be sent to you, the manufacturer, well packaged in the original manufacturer model OVP
has nothing to do with the conversion in selected small series.
If you are looking for something else or want to build a contract? Ask ..mich .. "any" request will be gladly answered